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Nuevos Libros

Nuevos Libros published on

Sr. usuario, ya están a su disposición los nuevos ejemplares:

Tapa Autor / Título
9809 Hofmann-Wellenhof Bernhard / Physical geodesy
9811  Krauss Bostian Raab / Solid state radio engineering
9814  Fraden / Handbook of modern sensors
16775  Freris Infield / Renewable energy in power systems
16795  Plonus / Electromagnetismo aplicado
16804 Blake Long / Antennas
16825 Blackburn / Symmetrical components for power systems engineering
16826 Crappe / Electric power systems
16828 GranthamVincent / Modern control systems analysis and design
16833 Chen / Circuit analysis and feedbach amplifier theory
16838 Dal-Ré Tenreiro / Pequeños embalses de uso agrícola
16853 ZhangRehtanzPal / Flexible ac transmission systems
16855 Doyle / Fundamentos php práctico
16856 Chuang / Physics of photonic devices
16860 Gray / Analysis and design of analog integrated circuits
16802 Geier / Designing and deploying 802.11n wireless networks